
2011-12-13 Improved VisualVM 1.3.3
VisualVM is a nice tool to help search performance issues or memory leaks. But the version has a graphic bug in the monitor view. Simply wait until the graphs start shifting and try to understand what "Actually the current code works as designed" means.

Feel free to use the fixed VisualVM 1.3.3b2 version.

2011-09-17 Released bejy V1.5.1.66
The BEJY project moved from an ANT base build to BNM (which is similar to Maven). With version 1.5.x.y BEJY starts to use JSE5.0 features. I am not sure if that results in a faster or smaller server, but common IDEs (like Eclipse) are displaying less errors.
The BEJY sub projects (BEJY Tiger etc.) will take a while until I have defined the correct product pom.xml. Stay tuned.

Go to BEJY download

2011-08-31 Released bb_mug 1.7.1 (update to 1.7.0)
The new version adds support to rename packages. By using this feature you can move classes 'out of the way' to prevent problems caused by different versions of the same libraries. read more or download it

2011-08-14 Web Site Update with
Recently I rewrote the wiki servlet. The most important changes are
  • a new simple wiki to html convert, which is no longer based on a grammer. The wiki will always produce html and never complains about syntax errors.
  • support for svn. The scm is now configurable, svn and csv is supported.
  • added an upload page to easily upload (plus delete) files.
As soon it's stable (need to test it a bit more) you can download the wiki example webapp.

For now this page is using the new wiki servlet. Everything should look as unusal as usal.

2011-03-10 BNM 0.1.0 (BNM is Not Maven)
it took some time - since it worked for me already good enough - but now there is e new enhanced release. The version change indicates the end of the alpha state.

Even if there is Maven 3, BNM still build way faster. Another plus is the seamless integration into the Eclipse build process:
All opened Eclipse projects are build by Eclipse. All closed and referenced projects are build by BNM as needed. So a full build will switch between BNM and Eclipse until everything is built.

The BNM approach of managing pom project trees allows quick opening of projects in Eclipse and discarding Eclipse projects as needed. This helps to focus on your active projects.

If you have the time, give it a try. It may not fit all your needs, but new ideas sometimes improve existing processes.


2011-03-05 Internet Explorer 9 and missing CSS
Testing my pages with the IE9 release candidate lead to missing style sheets: The IE9 requires the mime type "text/css" or it won't use the css files. Well, easy enough to fix, but still odd.

Now this page is back to "ugly as usual".

2011-02-25 Inside Lenovo ThinkPad W500
I really dislike 16:9 screens, so I am sticking to my Lenovo W500 with 1900x1200 screen resolution. But I'd like to tune it. That's not that easy ... read more

2011-02-10/11 ThinkPad Fan Control V0.93
I'm still using ThinkPad laptops and I like it quiet. Some time ago I improved the public version of tp4xfancontrol. After a while the improved versions vanished, but the code stayed in the CVS.

So I decided to provide the setup and source code on my personal page.

Download the sources (see also tp4xfancontrol cvs at sourceforge) and compile it yourself or us the installer.

Here is the list of changed I added:
V0.90 - 2008-10-30 - by Stefan "Bebbo" Franke
- fancontrol.exe ist now running as a Windows service.
  The UI is a separate program which connects to the serive.
  This way the service is run once at startup and each user can open its own UI.
- INI file format has changed: separate areas for [ui] and service], also Level config changed
- °C or °F is now available
- added an installer

V0.91 - 2008-12-12 - by Stefan "Bebbo" Franke
- Icon text displayed fixed instead smart an, and so on --> off by 1 error. FIXED
- The service now writes into log during startup, to find out the cause if it hangs.
- new hysteresis switch, to reduce the switch frequency between Level0 and Level1.

V0.92 - 2008-12-13 - by Stefan "Bebbo" Franke
- Removed the message box if the service is not found.
  Instead the status is logged and the connect is silently retried.
- added the hysteresis entry into ini file
- packaged SFX now contains full source and all tools (but VC).

2011-02-07 ThinkVantage System Update and Windows 7 SP1 (preview)
If you are having a Lenovo laptop and using Windows 7 with the prerelease if the service pack 1, you'll detect that the ThinkVantage System Update stops working, with an error message like
An error occurred while gathering ...
or in german:
Fehler bei der Zusammenstellung ...
Reinstalling the tool won't help. The solution is to patch the c:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\System Update\session\system\SSClientCommon\MappingInterface.xml and add the missing entry. If you are using Windows 7 Ultimate you need this entry
				<Name>WINDOWS 7 Ultimate</Name>
				<ServiceRelease>Service Pack 1</ServiceRelease>
			<OSQuest>Windows 7</OSQuest>
Now your System Update is working again.

rev: 1.3