hsperf a Munin Plugin

hsperf is a plugin for Munin which reads the files from the /tmp/hsperfdata_* folders.
Copyright (C) 2016 Stefan "Bebbo" Franke - stefan@franke.ms


  1. unzip the archive content to /opt/hsperf
  2. adjust the folders, graphs and properties in the file plugins/hsperf
  3. copy the files from plugin-conf.d and plugins to the corresponding folders in /etc/munin
  4. restart munin-node (systemctl restart munin-node)


The provided example observes 4 folders and creates 2 graphs.

JVM Memory graph

This grpahs displays for each java process' memory:

JVM Thread graph

This graph display information of the java threads:


The plugins requires a java installation. But since you plan to observer your running JVMs java is installed ^^.
  1. Ensure that each JVM is running with an own user. This avoids appearing process id's in the graph legends.
  2. Identify all /tmp/hsperfdata_<username> folders to appear in the graph and add these paths to the observed folders. Edit plugins/hsperf, e.g.:
    FOLDERS="  /tmp/hsperfdata_domain01"
    FOLDERS+=" /tmp/hsperfdata_domain02"
    FOLDERS+=" /tmp/hsperfdata_bejy"
    FOLDERS+=" /tmp/hsperfdata_bebbo"
  3. Define the graphs and properties to display. Edit plugins/hsperf, e.g.:
    GRAPHS="threads|JVM Threads|number of threads|threadCount,threadMax,threadsStarted"
    GRAPHS+='" "'
    GRAPHS+="memory|JVM Memory|bytes|old,eden,s0,s1"
    PROPS="  threadCount=java.threads.live"
    PROPS+=" threadMax=java.threads.livePeak"
    PROPS+=" threadsStarted+=java.threads.started"
    PROPS+=" old=sun.gc.generation.1.space.0.used"
    PROPS+=" eden=sun.gc.generation.0.space.0.used"
    PROPS+=" s0=sun.gc.generation.0.space.1.used"
    PROPS+=" s1=sun.gc.generation.0.space.2.used"
To get an idea which properties are available, run the plugin with "--showprops" after the folders are setup correctly
 /opt/hsperf/plugins/hsperf --showprops 


2016-01-05: download hsperf-v2 2016-01-04: download hsperf-v1


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
rev: 1.11